In the beginning of the story, Asago is introduced as Ryuji's fiancée, on the path of becoming Kuryugumi's seisai (literally translated as the good/right/holy wife). As a result of the engagement and being the daughter of the Silver Dragon Clan that ranks highest among Kuryugumi's subordinates, Asago is pressured by both her father and herself to be as perfect of a partner as possible, which takes a significant toll on her mental state and self esteem. Throughout most of the story, Asago is jealous that Ryuji spends most his time with Tsukasa and not her, and this hatred only deepens after she finds out Tsukasa is a girl. Asago is quick to show her temper and is reluctant to trust Tsukasa as she is a katagi (a child of a cop/ law abiding citizen). Like Ryuji, she is highly skilled at using a gun, sometimes double-wielding as well. She doesn't seem to truly trust anyone except Ryuji.