Ikumi was the mother of Takuma, Shohei, Toshiyuki, and Tsukasa. She and her husband, Yutaka, were killed as a result of a plot orchestrated by Hizaki. She was part of the GRAVE Division and instilled a great sense of justice in Tsukasa, not wanting to see her become a victim of violence against women. Amusingly, the young Tsukasa also picked up some "bad words" from Ikumi, which she repeated without knowing what they meant. Ikumi was the biological mother of only Takuma, Shohei, and Toshiyuki. She and Yutaka were close friends with Wakasa and agreed to adopt her daughter, Tsukasa, if something ever happend to Wakasa. After discovering the truth about her biological parents, Tsukasa still considers Ikumi her mother. In a message left on a memory disk hidden in Tsukasa's protector, Ikumi encourages her to follow her sense of justice in life.