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Memories broken, the truth goes unspoken
I've even forgotten my name
I don't know the season or what is the reason
I'm standing here holding my blade
A desolate place (place)
Without any trace (trace)
It's only the cold wind I feel
It's me that I spite as I stand up and fight
The only thing I know for real
Победив дракона можно стать драконом.
не, не так,
Чтобы победить надо познать, познав можно применить.
P/S вспомнился Кеничи и его бой в стиле мастеров - тот ужас который они внушали ему навечно отпечатался в его теле =)))
There will be blood (blood) shed (shed)
The man in the mirror nods his head
The only one (one) left (left)
Will ride upon the dragon's back
Because the mountains don't give back what they take
Oh no, there will be blood (blood) shed (shed)
It's the only thing I've ever known
Losing my identity
Wondering, "Have I gone insane?"
To find the truth in front of me I must climb this mountain range
Looking downward from this deadly height and never realizing why I fight